Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Connecting Essay 4

Internet Photograph: 

My Own Photo:

The internet photograph that I chose was a photograph of a starbucks cup which has a close up focus on the hole in the lid and the lipstick print, I chose this photograph from the internet in order to fit into my theme of identity and the way we as people leave our identity behind in the theme of evidence. I really like this photograph as I like the way the photographer has made sure the cup and the hand are in the photograph which makes the it more realistic.

In my own photograph I took a photograph of a coffee cup with a phone on a bench, again evidence of literally just 'being' the way we casually plonk our coffee cups down and our phones on tossed to the side, fag ash flicked in another direction. I chose to take this photograph from this angle because I liked the way that the bench added depth to the photograph however I still wanted the cup to be in the centre of the image.

The similarities of the internet photograph and my own photograph is obviously the subject, they both feature pink lipstick on coffee cups, they both signify evidence left on things by human presence, its forced evidence, the kind of evidence that comes from an action however not like a crime scene but almost like accidental evidence, just something that proves you were there, you were alive, leaving a mark on the world even if it is as tiny as a lipstick print.

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