
I have chosen the topic of evidence for my exam unit of AS level photography as I feel this would be a very interesting area to explore for the next few months. Despite the fact that to define evidence itself would give a fairly vague definition I already have a clear image in my mind of the path I would like to follow for this topic. The path I have been looking at for this topic is the evidence of routine and the way routine effects our lives such as beauty and make-up routines but also morning routines for example some people wake up, get ready, arrive to work, smoke a fag (leaving evidence of them-self here with the fag end and the lipstick stains), then grab a coffee where they stain the cup with berry red lipstick. This idea of a make-up routine led me to start thinking about why we apply make-up in the first place? I came to the conclusion that the pressure to apply make-up comes directly from the industry itself in an attempt to impose an image of yourself onto you that you THINK should should recreate however you SHOULD just be what you want to be. I have multiple shoot ideas already a few of which I have found exemplar shots for and illustrated this discussion with them for example I wish to do a focus on how we leave behind evidence of ourselves without even really realising we are doing it for example cigarette butts and old chewing gum, but also things like lipstick stains for example lipstick stains on food, lipstick stains on coffee cups, shot glasses, cigarettes. All of these little pieces of evidence translate to one thing: you are here, you exist and this is evidence of that.
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