Monday, 16 March 2015

Shoot 8: Evidence - Straight Images

Shoot 8: Evidence - Work Diary

In this session my aim was to photograph a routine of makeup and create multiple imageries from this. The theme of makeup in this shoot links to the makeup lip makeup shoot that I did last time, I found the idea of makeup application very intriguing and it lead me to focus on makeup and the ROUTINE of it and all the different components which become part of a makeup routine. I created two multiple imageries from this shoot, one of which focused on the start-to-finish stances that someone would take throughout the makeup application process. Then my second multiple imagery focused on the components used for the routine and the chaos in which they are left after use.

Today's Example Shots:

Overall, I think this shoot was extremely successful and I managed to show routine with makeup. However, if I could change anything about this shoot I would show the difference between used and unused makeup bottles, mascara, powders etc. My plan for the next shoot is to do this exact shoot but focusing on my own routine, to photograph my own chaos as I go along, where I throw my pencils and pots and how my face looks after each stage of applying.

Monday, 9 March 2015

Shoot 7: Evidence - Straight Images

Shoot 7: Evidence - Work Diary

Overall, In this shoot I really enjoyed taking the photographs and think the idea developed really well. I decided to take photographs of a mouth close up and using a macro lens in order to capture all of the significant details, every line, every tooth, every hair. My final idea for this was to create a multiple imagery of mouths and when I first had the idea I wanted to do multiple different people however I decided the best idea would be to do the same mouth in multiple different poses, therefore this is what I spent this shoot experimenting with.

Today's Example Shots:

After working on this shoot and coming to a happy conclusion I'm pretty sure there is nothing I would change about it other than the fact I may like to go back and photograph lots of different mouths for a multiple imagery similar to my Shoot 6 where I photographed all the different peoples eyes open and shut. In my next shoot I want to begin photographing the idea of routine, which means I would like to photograph the makeup being used by the model, the makeup being applied to the model and the makeup strewn out in an disorderly fashion - which is almost ironic since I am photographing a makeup routine.

Saturday, 7 March 2015

Shoot 6: Evidence - Straight Images

Shoot 6: Evidence - Work Diary

Over the course of this session I did a shoot focusing on how every persons eyes differentiate from the next person. For example in all the differences in eyes that I studied there were differences in shape, colour, size, lashes, makeup or no makeup?  big or small?  and the layout I used during the editing processes (See straight images) helped me to show these differences up. My goal was to show how we use makeup to alter ourselves as people, theories like this could lead to laying the blame on the beauty industry and the pressure to conform to what are known as 'norms' of society. I really like the layout of these multiple imageries and am really pleased with the result.

Today's Example Shots:

Overall, I am extremely pleased with the final results of this shoot however they are not included in this post as I preferred to post some of the unedited sample images which were eventually used in the final multiple imageries. See straight image post for the final piece of this shoot. In my next shoot instead of exploring the differences between identities of eyes I prefer to look at mouths, I think I want to look at various different peoples mouths rather than one specifically.

Friday, 6 March 2015

Shoot 5: Evidence - Straight Images

Shoot 5: Evidence - Work Diary

In todays session I decided to do a shoot focusing on the evidence of makeup in everyday situations, I got this idea from my research and took inspiration from my image bank. I focused on the way the smoke from the cigarettes was exhaled, the lipstick marks left on the coffee cups and cigarette ends  and the burning of the cigarette in order to show evidence, I love focusing on the evidence left behind by people in society.  I really enjoyed this shoot and found it was thoroughly successful which means that in the editing process I will not include any dramatic changes, just a few crops and straightening in a few photographs.

Todays Shots

Overall I wouldn't change anything about his shoot except maybe taking more photographs and adding more examples of make-up evidence. From this shoot I learnt that I really enjoyed looking at makeup, therefore in my next shoot I hope to focus on the way make-up prints on cigarettes and coffee cups and leaves a mark. Every time a makeup mark is left on something a piece of someones identity is transferred onto something else a piece of their identity and personality is left behind, it is evidence of society. I want to take close up images of eye makeup and lip makeup in order to show the way people mask their identities and this is evidence of the way people change themselves. I aim to do a multiple imagery of both of these.

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Shoot 4: Evidence - Straight Images

Shoot 4: Evidence - Work Diary

In this shoot my aim was to focus on the evidence left by people like in my last shoot, this time I made food and drinks and got someone to eat some of it then took photographs of the evidence they left, I focused on the lipstick marks created on both the coffee cup and the sandwich. Another interesting piece of evidence I discovered in this shoot was the individual marks left by the teeth and lips of the person eating and drinking, I realised that this would link to identity due to the fact that no two people would share the exact same lip prints and teeth marks not even identical twins. This shoot links to my previous shoot because it is a continuation of the same concept of evidence left on food and drink.

Today's Example Shots:

Overall, I was happy with the direction this shoot took and my only aim and issue with this shoot is the quantity of photographs which I took due to the fact this was a spontaneous shoot. I enjoyed this shoot and am considering doing something similar to this throughout the rest of the the topic. From this shoot I learnt that I really enjoyed looking at the evidence makeup leaves behind therefore for my next shoot I would like to revisit the marks that makeup leaves on cigarettes and coffee cups in further depth.